It was during the highest peek of her career when Antoinette taus decided to leave the philippines and try her luck in hollywood. It was also a sad note for Antoinette - dingdong dantes followers. I even felt dismayed for i thought their loveteam will prosper and eventually lead to a happy ending. I am a super fanatic of Antoinette taus, there was no single magazine that i did'nt bought so long as she is on the cover. Every article about her gives me a feeling of happiness, there maybe bad article about her but i take it constructively. There were even rumors that she was pregnant of dingdong's child that she decided to fly to the US but look at her now, there were'nt any child at all. It was all false accusations. Even in the US i still try to google her and search her videos in youtube in case there's any new development about her. Gladly, Antoinette Taus makes a comeback and i think all of her fans were also craving for her to come back just like me. My only wish is for her and dingdong dantes to get back together, i know its gonna be impossible knowing that dingdong is in relationship right now with Marian Rivera. But who knows how the magic of love works? If they are destined to be together then let it be. If i could just play cupid between the two, i would definitely do it. But then, only fate would tell. Im so ecstatic over the tv appearances of toni, some of the shows that she appears are ASAP in ABSCBN, TUNAY NA BUHAY in GMA and SHOWBIZ POLICE in TV5. She has again proved that she still has that certain charisma. The witty and amiable antoinette we all loved and missed.

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